My practice consists of sculpture, installation and sound with a performative element. I study and compare colonial to contemporary (molecular and data) extractivism and its subject-producing methods, highlighting the power structures that human-and-non-human-matter is traversed by. I alter-and-hack the objectual, museographical and biological discourses/codes lately using (my) bio-material through a scientific methodology and technology.
The research aim is to actively question our fixed cultural constructs imposed through pseudo/scientific discourse. Thus, expand/erase the limits and taxonomic definitions that make evident the violence, policies and socio-economic hierarchies that all species are submitted to. I consider technologies that endlessly produce the subject/living being. Consequently, underlining the mutating/malleable nature, interdependency and multiple becoming(s) of the human and other-than-human somato-cultural-archive continuum.
This is a space of resistance and un-building. Language/structure barbarisms, tensions and contradictions are searched for as part of the investigation -in spite of my academic training. The work is an open multi/directional-sensorial dialogue with philosophers, critical thinkers, scientists, musicians/composers, ancestral indigenous cultures, activists… whose living-practices, cosmogonies, ethics and studies focus on our collective paradigm and epistemological shift.